Saturday, March 16, 2013

Union of the Snake


Song by DuranDuran

St. Patrick's Day is a love/hate for me.  I do not like green beer. I do like leprechauns, 4 leaf clovers, rainbows and pots of gold.  I believe that the Irish deserve their day, particularly after the racial prejudices lobbed at them in the US upon settlement here.  But I have studied pre-Christian European religions and cultures and I know about what St. Patrick was all about.  The driving the snakes out of Ireland was really just a metaphor for killing or converting all the pagans to Christianity.  My friends and I used to have a "Bring Back the Snakes" celebration on the holiday.  
In the actual performance, Rahpture was wearing a "Traditional" Irish outfit and was tied to the rocks behind the altar,  I did not get any pix, because I was too stressed about my set at the time. 
Both at rehearsal and in the show I forgot to turn on my snakes.  Made me irritated that I forgot them, but for some reason they were really high around my ankles.

The song was my second choice, I thought Reptile by The Church would have been perfect but Chewie had done it and had it listed under Church, The.  So actually I liked this one just fine, and it took me back to my old Duranie days, screaming and singing a long with all my middle school girlfriends. 
So I never watch videos when working on songs, I try to keep my creative input to my own brain.  But I did re-watch the original one for this song after I did the act, and I was giggling at the way in which it had slipped into my subconscious.  I could have easily been cast to be in that video.  I have not watched any Duran Duran videos in at least 20+ years.  (I was allergic to them for years after my early adolescent overdose.)

The Sheep were my faves.  If you hovered over them you could learn their names:  Ovine Overlord, The Watcher on the Wall, I Speak Parcel Tongue, and Lady Ovinia.
The Parcel Tongue speaker is the one between the two cobras, having a pleasant chat.
At the end I got to ride out on my prehistoric Water Moccasin, though I think the curtain went down early.

The sign on the rock says "Welcome to Ireland, the land of a Thousand Welcomes"

I really want to change this one to use the song "Long Snake Moan" by PJ Harvey, and do it as a "repeat" sometime, with the boy still tied to the altar but wearing a sexy kilt, Celtic accoutrements, and no shirt. Yeah!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Criminal V.2


Song by FionaApple

Happy Women's History Month!

I had originally planned this song to be a courthouse drama back in the days (last summer) when I thought I would be cutting my chops in another venue.  I had started the set, had the costume and did the choreo, actually the first dance I ever did on my HUD.
Then I found this pirate courthouse, months later, and the moment I stepped in it I knew that this had to be "Criminal" and I would be a Salem Witch.  I was giddy the moment I saw the Judge's bench.
Now finding a Puritan Woman's Outfit was harder than being a Yeti.  Thanks to Sexy, Chewie, Saphy, and Kiriam and many others who scoured MP and through LMs at me.  Sometimes all it takes is many eyes and different search terms.  Saphy and I found this one at the exact same time.  I made the bonnet by modding one from a different outfit.
Not too bad...
...but of course it is always better when it is a pile on the floor. ;-}
When I went to set this to the theater, I was thrilled that since it was all full perm, I could link it into one big set.  Oh but NO!  When I set it down, it was just a bunch of blobs.  Low prim wonders turn into their original shapes when linked.  Now I know, but it took many more hours of trying to figure out what went wrong and if even it was a problem in other people's viewer or just mine.
At least the mover works…
I did learn something that I was suspecting but no one had dared to tell me except Cherry, when you add a pose to the Spot On Mover, it will take over in between every dance change.  I suspected it because so many of the crowd pictures from "Short Skirt, Long Jacket" were of me in different parts of the stage and disrobing in my starting pose.
The challenge for this one was to finally get to use the reveal object script which in this case was the flames to burn the courthouse down...
...while I disappeared in a puff of blue flame (which I could not get a good picture of).