Saturday, May 25, 2013

30 Minute Love Affair

25 May 2013

Song by Paloma Faith (here)

"All in the blink of an eye, 
There you were standing there"

Paloma Faith came into my life recently and I love her! I had a hard time picking which of her songs I wanted to do, many of them have a certain"je ne sais F U" to them that really do not go with my personality.  

"Thirty Minute Love Affair" won out, and once I committed, it became obvious this was a time traveling song.  Having read Orlando, again, not too long ago, I felt my time travel should also include some gender swapping.  Being a big fan of Tilda, my costume choice was influenced as much as possible by Swinton's Orlando, going for the Romantic poet. OK, that was before I took it off.

I recruited Renae, Belle, and Ender to do pics with me for the three monitors on my time machine console. I wanted past, present and future selves to illustrate short 3 picture stories.  So based on their personalities and inclinations, I put Renae in the past, Belle in the "present" and Ender in the future. Now keep in mind the present time for this act was the Victorian Era, with a steampunk twist.

For each time period I had 3 pics, for 3 time periods, and 3 diff "lovers." So, yeah, Belle got 4, but she is special. 

Renae is my fairy princess, so the "past" with a fae world & medieval themes were easy. 

She pulled out this cool post-apocalyptic-ish outfit and skybox that made me think of the "future's past" on another planet.  

Belle's "present," the Age of Steam, took us to the Steamlands.  These were most fun since it involved hanging out on my favorite sims.

We started at our sim on her airship with The Time Machine a la H.G. Well's, courtesy of The Steam Hunt.

The second stop was The Joy of Steampunk. The Nemo build was a requirement. She makes a cute sailor boy.

 Onward to Port Babbage....

Next we came ashore in Port Steelhead, at the exotic El Casbah....

Then it was Ender's time and we started in the "future," a retro 50's sim....

I pulled out a 21st century skybox, and put on my male avi again in honor of my fave fag to hag.

Finally we went all cyberpunk at a truly futuristic sim....

Overall, this act was a super blast! I do not know if the full concept got through, you do what you can in this biz.  I did my best to have the monitors pre-rezzed, thanks to a Chewie-tutoring lesson.  There were 40 pics on the monitors, changing every 10 seconds, to fill up the length of the song with just a little left over.  

Saturday, May 11, 2013



Song by Kate Bush (here)

"Lily, Oh Lily I don't feel safe,   
I feel that life has blown a great big hole,   
Through me"   
And she said,  
"Child, you must protect yourself   
You can protect yourself  
I'll show you how with fire"  

Kate Bush is one of my heroes.  I love her voice (though I am not usually a fan of sopranos), I love her poetry, her stories, and I love her craziness.  And I have gone through all her albums looking for the song multiple times. I know that I am prone to binge on her at some point, but trying to not do too many of her songs at the Friday night shows.

I was feeling a bit raw and unprotected when I was reminded of this song. It was also perfect since I just got to know one of the new Idle Boys, who has an Angel persona and I knew it was time to do this act.  This is also my first act that I choreographed anyone besides my self.

It is about calling up the archangels to protect oneself. Yes with fire, fire is always good. Considering my name is Blaze, I really had not used much fire in my acts to date.

Thanks to Rahpture Seraphim, Shippy Creations, Maxamum Panache, & Jag for being my sexy Archangels. Certainly they could protect any soul. (Though in the picture above it is a bunch of my alts standing in for them during the long hours of rehearsing.)

Pic by Aelva Alvemin
I only got a picture with Max and Jag, on the night of, thanks to Aelva.  Trust me, Damn they were sexy! And HOT!