Saturday, August 24, 2013


24 August 2013

Song by Hall & Oates, but I used The Bird and the Bee cover (here)

THANK YOU FuzOnAcid, for making a machinima of the act, my first! Woo hoo! (link) 
"She's deadly man, And she could really rip your world apart"
Original concepts:
Cannibal woman in jungle
cannibal woman in nightclub
Tiger woman in jungle

Tiger woman in nightclub

Well, you know if you are a hardcore burlyq fan, you have already seen the act, done by some one, somewhere. And done well, so what is a girl to do instead? 

During our roster break Chewie produced a Mer-themed show at The Falls Stage just for our fabulous GB Exclusives. It is an incredibly beautiful backdrop for shows on the Idle Rogue sim (though the pic below was taken at home). I was already in the mode of making my maneater, a shark woman. So this was the perfect opportunity.

I recruited a surfer, fisherman, sailor and pirate for the act since those would be the men most likely to get eaten by a shark. Right? *toothy grin*

Pic by Zahra Ethaniel
It was also awesome since we did not have a stage proper to build to and could use the space any way we saw fit.  I found the underwater night club by Garden of Dreams and tore it apart and built it for the space, then added decor. Really proud of how it came out.  I was plagued by tech issues while performing. I deleted the wrong part of the stage when in starting, and had mover timing issues, etc.  When I tried to fix the latter it only made it worse.  C'est La Vie! Such is the life of live performers.  

Thanks to Jag, Gavin, Oods, and Gunner for being my victims, er um, playing along.  Unfortunately (for them), they did not survive the end of the song though. *toothy grins again*


  1. /me takes a big chomp out of your thigh, and spits it out, shark-style. :)
